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8x8 LED matrica ar MAX7219

LEDControl bobliotēka - programmatūra, lai ar Arduino varetu darbinat 8x8 LED matricu, ko vada MAX7219 vai MAX7221 kontrolieris.


Max7219.h draivera kods:

// MAX 7219 easy driver 
//	Assume the following connection to the Arduino pins:
//	VCC => Arduino 5V
//	GND => Arduino GND
//	DIN => Arduino 11
//	CS  => Arduino 10
//	CLK => Arduino 13

#include <SPI.h>

// You may redefine this pin
#ifndef SS_PIN
#define SS_PIN 10

// MAX7219 SPI LED Driver
#define MAX7219_TEST 0x0f // in real code put into a .h file
#define MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS 0x0a // in real code put into a .h file
#define MAX7219_SCAN_LIMIT 0x0b // in real code put into a .h file
#define MAX7219_DECODE_MODE 0x09 // in real code put into a .h file
#define MAX7219_SHUTDOWN 0x0C // in real code put into a .h file

// Send a command to max7219
void max72SendCMD(uint8_t address, uint8_t value) {  
  digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);   
  SPI.transfer(address);      // Send address.
  SPI.transfer(value);        // Send the value.
  digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH); // Finish transfer.

// Send data to one max7219 (matrix)
void max72SendDATA(uint8_t address, uint8_t value) {  
  digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW);   
  SPI.transfer(address);      // Send address.
  SPI.transfer(value);        // Send the value.
  digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH); // Finish transfer.

// Call this from setup()
void max72Init()
  pinMode(SS_PIN, OUTPUT);  

  SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST);   // Reverse the SPI Data o/p. 
  SPI.begin();                 // Start SPI

  // Run test - All LED segments lit. 
  max72SendCMD(MAX7219_TEST, 0x01);  delay(1000);  
  max72SendCMD(MAX7219_TEST, 0x00);        // Finish test mode.
  max72SendCMD(MAX7219_DECODE_MODE, 0x00); // Disable BCD mode. 
  max72SendCMD(MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS, 0x00);  // Use lowest intensity. 
  max72SendCMD(MAX7219_SCAN_LIMIT, 0x0f);  // Scan all digits.
  max72SendCMD(MAX7219_SHUTDOWN, 0x01);    // Turn on chip.


Piemērs lietojuma programmai

Programma, kas izspīdina nejaušus punktus uz LED matricas

#include "max7219.h

void setup() 
  Serial.println("Debug MAX7219");

void loop() 
  uint8_t row=0;
  int i=0, ud=1;

    i += ud; 
    if (i>255) {ud=-1;i=255;}
    if (i<0)   {ud=1 ;i=0;}
    if (row++>8) row=1;    
    max72SendDATA(row, random(0,255));             
    max72SendCMD(MAX7219_BRIGHTNESS, i>>4);      